Our Methodology

Our Methodology

In keeping with Delhi Public School’s promise of comprehensive and holistic education through a developmental approach, modern methodologies are employed to enable learning.

These methodologies are a departure from traditional rote learning that is imparted in most schools. While the syllabus for each grade is structured, teachers have the autonomy and flexibility to design the curriculum. It is also the teacher’s responsibility to shape and integrate the formal and informal curriculum.

Learning is encouraged through:

  • Student-centric learning
  • Project-based studies
  • Creativity
  • Citizenship-education through the interface with community projects

Student Centric Learning

Hence, we create an environment in which students are systematically encouraged to continually seek their own learning. Our teachers play the role of “facilitators”. Traditional teaching is a one-way street, where teachers teach and students learn by rote. Hence our endeavor is to decrease the focus on teacher-centric instruction, which reduces students to passive recipients of knowledge

Project-based Learning

Students are assigned individual projects in their areas of specific intelligence to develop and hone their skills and respective intelligence. This also ensures that the curiosity and the interest of the child are sustained through the learning process.

Creativity-centred Learning

Apart from regular learning in all disciplines, the School provides Computer Clubs for creative learning. Students are given the opportunity of acquiring digital fluency and are encouraged to go beyond accessing information. Computers will be used to learn and develop multimedia skills like producing music, videos, animation, and robotics.

We also have clubs for drama, dance, music, and other performing arts. Providing various avenues to the child to help express themselves is vital to their personal development. We understand that all students are achievers, but each one needs a different platform to showcase their talents.

Citizenship Learning

Given the rising demands and needs of a rapidly changing global community, knowledge, and skills for responsible citizenship at the local, state, national and global level becomes important. The School’s citizenship curriculum has evolved through a new concept of multidimensional citizenship education, whereby both the School and the community interface as partners. Such learning inspires young people to reflect on, and become actively involved in making a better world. Students thus understand what citizenship means more clearly, and feel ready to make a significant contribution to humankind in a sustainable environment.

Learner Attributes

The goal of Delhi Public School learning programs is to develop successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens.

Successful learners at Delhi Public School endeavor to be:


Students develop their capacity to learn and play an active role in their own learning. They take responsibility for their learning and are motivated to reach their full potential.


Students develop the ability to think deeply and logically, obtain and evaluate evidence and make reasoned, informed decisions. They develop the skills to be able to research key questions in order to gain a deeper understanding of the world.


Students develop the essential skills in literacy and numeracy and explore concepts and ideas to acquire deep understanding in all learning areas.


Students are creative, innovative and resourceful. They develop the ability to solve problems in ways that draw upon a range of learning areas.


Students explore and make sense of their world and think about how things have become the way they are. They are able to assess their own strengths and weaknesses in order to support their development as learners.


Students work effectively with others to support their learning. They are able to communicate ideas confidently through a variety of mediums.


Students develop a sense of self-worth, self-awareness and personal identity that enables them to manage their emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing. They develop the knowledge, skills, understandings and values to establish and maintain healthy, satisfying lives.


Homework is a valuable part of schooling. It allows for practicing, extending and consolidating work done in class. Homework provides training for students in planning and organizing time and develops a range of skills in identifying and using information resources. Additionally, it establishes habits of study, concentration, and self-discipline.

The main types of homework include:

  • Completing questions to consolidate knowledge covered in class
  • Working on assignments
  • Preparing summary notes of the concepts covered in class
  • Creating visual, flash cards or other revision strategies
  • Additional reading or watching media(wherever applicable) on concepts covered in class

Homework v/s Revision

Students are encouraged to be self-directed, independent learners who take responsibility for improving their learning. While a teacher may or may not set specific homework tasks for completion in a given subject, a student should spend time every night revising the concepts covered in each learning area.

Students should complete some homework and revision every night, rather than completing a large amount on one particular night or on the weekend. Students need to build their knowledge gradually in each learning area by regularly reviewing concepts as opposed to cramming in the lead up to a test or examination. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from the teachers during their free time.