Our Services


  • Fantasy, play acting, role play- the world of make-believe is endless and it is reading that can take you on a flight to the imagination
  • Reading should be an important part of growing up since it also provides us with words, and therefore we learn to communicate.
  • Reading opens us up to other worlds and vistas and thus helps us break down our restricted views.
  • Reading helps us to learn, at our pace.
  • Reading can be fun
  • Reading is one of the best past times one can develop.

DPS Pathankot is proud of its library facility, open to all its students and staff. We have something of interest for each one. New stocks are added so that interests never waver.

Although, at DPS, we have embraced technology to enable children to be future ready. We have laid equal emphasis on developing and inculcating the habit of reading books.

With a wide array of books, an experienced and wise librarian to guide them, our children – curious, academically inclined, sensitive, and hesitant – will be gently guided into the magical world of books; into great literature – filling their young minds with history’s heroes and the exploits of great men.


The primary objective of the library is to support the information needs of all levels of the School, particularly those demands that arise out of its various teaching programs. Also important, of course, are more general information inquiries and recreational reading needs.

Information Literacy

Close attention is paid to the education and empowerment of users themselves. Every attempt is made to strengthen their information-seeking strategies as they work alongside library staff members. Information literacy of this kind is crucial in any quest for independent lifelong learning.


The enriching power of fiction, and indeed all genres of literature, is a fundamental article of belief. To this end, the library supplements their book stocks through constant collection development activity. In partnership with the English faculty, the library works to encourage student reading as a lifetime activity of the highest importance.

Curriculum Resourcing

The library encourages co-operative curriculum resourcing with all Key Learning Areas and Faculties. Links fostered with individual members of the teaching staff are seen as essential in achieving effective information resource planning and provides in additional opportunity for the development of excellent Information Skills


DPS has invested in modern state of the art laboratories that accommodate all the students of each section comfortably. The junior school has a composite laboratory with mobile labs that can be rolled into classrooms for experimentation while teaching. The middle and senior school has at their disposal three individual science laboratories- Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, that are looked after by qualified lab attendants.

All chemicals are locked away out of the reach of the students. An appropriate amount is taken out for experimentation on the orders of the teacher conducting the experiment.

All safety precautions are in place in the labs. We have fire extinguishers, unrestricted open access in case of evacuation and the gas tanks have been placed outside the rooms.

Students are not allowed into the labs without permission. They may enter only during the periods specified in their class time tables, accompanied by the teacher.

Students found breaking these basic rules will be dealt with appropriately.


Our 21st-century students demonstrate amazing creativity when they have the freedom to engage their academic work in motivating and unique ways. DPS believes technology brings richness to the educational environment when implemented at developmentally appropriate levels.  Whether it is through blogs, wikis, or digital collaboration, Delhi seeks to create an environment that embraces an interactive community, preparing students for success regardless of what future dreams and goals they pursue.

Preparing For Tomorrow TODAY…

Students are different from their parents because technology permeates their lives.  The depth of these differences goes well beyond environmental factors at the surface.  Current research on teenagers’ brains reveals differences in their brain development.  Not only are their brains different, but students learn differently.  They make meaning, engage, and process their learning in ways that reflect the digital world that surrounds them.  An immense amount of information is now available to them as digital media.  Delhi seeks to maximize the opportunities of technology to enhance the learning community of students and faculty.

Knowing Their Limits

With freedom comes responsibility, and everyone associated with DPS must learn to respect their limits. The school frowns upon Social Networking friendships between the school representatives and the home. We consider Facebook interactions between the staff and the students extremely inappropriate and unhealthy. Please be vigilant to any improper information sharing between your child and school staff.


Delhi Public School manages a fleet of quality buses that ply from different parts of the towns Pathankot, Nurpur, Sujanpur, and Dinanagar within a radius of 50 Kms. Every bus has detailed contact information (Mobile no’s) of parents of the students traveling on that route.

Rules for Using Transport:

  • Students will carry valid identification provided by the school,
  • Students will be picked up and dropped off at the designated bus stops one.
  • If a change of stop is required, a written application needs to forward to the principal.
  • Students will not be allowed to get off at stops other than that agreed upon at the time of taking the facility.
  • Students to remain seated at all times, bus etiquette is an important part of learning. Students will not litter the buses. All trash will be carried home to be deposited in trash cans.
  • Students shall not damage, deface the school buses. Depending upon the extent of the damage they will either compensate the school or will be suspended. The final decision rests upon the principal.
  • Security of the students is our priority: The student will be handed over to the parent/guardian who will carry a School Identity card. In case the id is not produced, the child will be brought back to school. Parents may then pick up the child from school.
  • School transport fee is collected quarterly. Please make certain that the fee is deposited on time so that your child may enjoy the facility unhindered.
  • Our buses have all the required documentation to ensure parents are not harassed.
  • We are committed to serving you with respect and courtesy. We ask that you treat our staff in the same manner. In case of a grievance, please call the school so that the matter may be sorted to your satisfaction. Please try to avoid any altercation with the drivers, attendants or the teaching staff on board.

To ensure the safety of our students, the following process is followed while ferrying them:

  • At the time of departure, the driver ensures students alight at pre-designated drop points. In case a student needs to alight at a different point, a prior note has to be sent to the School office.
  • In case of unexpected delays, the driver or the school office can be contacted.
  • The school bus is also used to ferry students for outings and field trips.

English Language Support

DPS is committed to supporting students as they develop English proficiency.  Students who are still learning English have full access to all content area curriculum in a language-rich learning environment.  English language teacher’s work with classroom and content teachers across the subjects to provide appropriate language support for student learning.

Inquiry-based learning in the early years offers flexibility for English learners to explore new ideas, solve problems, and express their learning with minimal language interference. Language development in all four domains of English proficiency: reading, writing, speaking, and listening is encouraged at DPS.

We value the continued growth of the students’ mother tongue and acknowledge the benefits of multilingualism across the content areas; therefore, we encourage students to read, study, discuss, and build content vocabulary in all the languages they speak at home.  We recommend that families engage fully in the on-going development of language and literacy at home and in the community.

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Policy is designed to help students attain academic excellence, sensitize them to the environment around them which includes the community, and more significantly – cope with various emotional experiences. Pastoral Care is extended to students with faculty involved in mentoring and supporting the students. The Grade Teachers of each Grade and Section are directly responsible for maintaining discipline while the Teachers also play a significant part in the emotional and psychological well-being of the students. Mentoring is an entrenched part of the culture at DPS. Students and teachers are encouraged to build strong, mutually respectful relationships which enhance the learning journey. Student-student mentoring and staff-staff mentoring is also encouraged and embraced.

House System

Students in the future would be allocated to one of the four houses at the time of the admission and would remain part of the same family till the time they leave the school. Along with an increased sense of identity and belonging, they also provide students with a sense of tradition and leadership opportunities. The multitude of activities, the balancing acts of it with academics and excellent results, it all seems a herculean task, and DPS manages it all with its ever so vibrant house system.

House systems function to foster among students, a spirit of leadership, co-operation, mutual understanding, tolerance, self-reliance and build up a team spirit. Each House would be headed by a Housemaster who is responsible for the implementation of the Pastoral system for the respective House.

Health Services

A medical room is available on campus with all first aid facilities and there is also a hospital (Chauhan Medicity, Kotli) in the vicinity of the school campus in case there is a need for a referral.

A student who becomes ill during the school day should request permission from the teacher to go to the infirmary room. The condition of the student will determine whether or not the student should remain in school or go home. No student will be released from school without proper parental permission.

Students should not be sent to school if they have a fever or are feeling sick. Sending sick students to school exposes other students and teachers to illness. If a student is sent to school with a fever they will be sent home. Please be considerate of others.

Each day many parents are faced with a decision: should they keep their sick child at home or send them to school? Often the way a child looks and acts can make the decision an obvious one. Please consider these guidelines:

Colds: Consider keeping your child at home if he/she is experiencing discomfort from cold symptoms, such as nasal congestion and cough. A continuous green discharge from the nose may be a sign of infection. Consider having the child seen by your health care provider.

Conjunctivitis (pink-eye): When contagious conjunctivitis is suspected or diagnosed, school administration can send students home during school hours.

Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and /or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours.

Fever: The child should remain at home with a fever greater than 100°. The child can return to school after he/she has been fever free for 24 hours.

Rashes: Common infectious diseases with rashes are most contagious in the early stages. A child with a suspicious rash should return to school only after a health care provider has made a diagnosis and authorized the child’s return to school.

A sick child cannot learn effectively and is unable to participate in classes in a meaningful way. Keeping a sick child home prevents the spread of illness in the school community and allows the child an opportunity to rest and recover.

Injuries or Illnesses on Campus

In case of an injury or illness, we will administer simple first aid only. Students will be cared for by a staff member and parents/guardians will be notified if the injury or illness necessitates. If parents/ guardians cannot be reached, the person listed as the emergency name will be notified. In rare cases when no one can be reached the student will be taken to a doctor, to the emergency room of a hospital, or an emergency clinic. In any case, it is extremely important that the school has the name of another person to call in case of illness or injury and parents/guardians cannot be located. It is also important to have your current home and business telephone numbers on file in the school office.